© 2024 Focus on the Family Singapore Ltd. All rights reserved.

Fatherhood is a race of a lifetime, filled with heart-racing moments of exciting play and sometimes also heart-stopping moments of panic. 

This race produces determination and dedication within each father, with the end goal not of winning, but having loved their children the best they knew how. 

This Father's Day, we're Dadicated  to spotlighting the lasting legacies and importance of fathers, shaping lives through generations!

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“We have a lot of dad guilt and often think about where we have failed our children or where we could have done better in terms of being around.” 

Jonathan Cho,
Father of 3

Listen to Jonathan's 4-part audio story of his journey.

“My hope is that when I pass on, my kids will want to emulate the love and nurturing they experienced from me."

James Ong, 
Father of 4

"If your children know that you’re there for them and that they can approach you anytime on any matter, big or small, then half the battle is won."

Father-son duo – 
David Choo, Father of 4 Graham Choo, Father of 3

is your ultimate game plan for creating unforgettable moments with your child. 

Packed with bonding activities arranged by time blocks and fathering tips, dive in and discover the joy of bonding amidst life's busyness!

is your ultimate game plan for creating unforgettable moments with your child. 

Packed with bonding activities arranged by time blocks and fathering tips, dive in and discover the joy of bonding amidst life's busyness!

Explore stories of fellow dads as they share their experiences of juggling work and family life, and reflecting on the enduring influence of their own fathers on them and the next generation.

If you were impacted by I'm Dadicated, we would love to hear about your experience or story.

By making a donation, you can strengthen fathers and their familial relationships. Your gift will help Focus on the Family Singapore provide fathers with timely and relevant resources and programmes!